
As a teaching daycare, Little People Day Care School cares for the basic needs and security of your child – plus much more. The school acts on the growing understanding that early childhood education has an enduring, positive, and profound impact upon a child later in life.

When children in their earliest years are exposed to many and varied experiences, healthy social contacts, and skillful guidance, they will most likely enjoy the most desirable kind of overall growth. Our faculty is well prepared to work with parents and guardians to ensure a good beginning.

Learning programs combine structured and independent activities, large- and small-group interaction, and educational curricula that are reviewed regularly for effectiveness. Each child is valued as an individual with unique abilities and interests and is presented with opportunities to learn in an environment that builds self-esteem.

The Faculty – Little People Day Care School has established qualifications for its faculty that exceed those required by the Department of Human Services. This includes certified teachers, one each for the three-year-old and four-year-old programs. Other teachers are required to have at least an associate degree in early childhood.

Communication with Parents – Our administrators and faculty place a high value on keeping in touch with parents. Parents are encouraged to visit often and to share their skills and talents at the daycare school.

Discipline – We recognize that positive discipline teaches and encourages the healthy development of a child’s self-esteem. Our caregivers praise and call attention to appropriate behavior and act as good role models to influence and reinforce a child positively. Limits are set that are developmentally appropriate and consistently enforced.